Critical Care Research Network (CCR-Net)

Lawson Health Research Institute contracted Dishout IT Solutions to develop a web application for the Critical Care Research Network (CCR-Net).

CCR-Net is the CriticalCare Unit based within London Health Sciences Centre. The web application replaced CCR-Net's existing Microsoft Access application and is used to capture patient details as they enter the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

  • User-defined validation rules which are managed through the administrative section of the web application.
  • Levels of severity for the validation rules (e.g. errors and warnings).
  • Ability to create error reports.
  • Business Intelligence Solutions to drive the reports.
  • Dynamic reports created through the OLAP cube.
  • Integration Services Summary Logs can be viewed from the Administrative section of the web application.

Validation Results with input field in an error state

Validation Results with input field in a warning state

Error report

Reporting Services report pulling data from an Analysis Services cube. User has the ability to modify the report.

Intergration Services log summary